What Is the Education Alliance?
The Education Alliance is a partnership between immersive experiences on the metaverse dedicated to education. It is not related to the Metaverse Education Alliance (MEA) and is primarily focused on promoting Roblox‘s educational games. The Education Alliance allows digital educational experiences to promote one another on the Roblox platform but is open to any metaverse-based platform.
Who Is in the Alliance?
This alliance is currently between MeshMinds, the Little Library, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison‘s Virtual AOS Museum.
How Can I Join The Education Alliance?
If you are interested in joining The Education Alliance, please fill out this form, and we will provide you with more information.
How Does The Education Alliance Work?
For Educational experiences on Roblox, users can visit the “Education Alliance Hub” to learn about different educational experiences in the alliance and play them. Other experiences will be featured on this page, and sponsor each other outside of Roblox.
More Information about The Education Alliance
For more information about The Education Alliance, please check out The Education Alliance’s main group on Roblox and the Education Alliance Hub.